Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

Randomly Rotate Which Ad Displays

Banner Rotator

In this recipe we teach you how to rotate two ads in a zone where one ad displays at a time.  Which of the two ads displays will be random.  This is useful when you want to share a single ad spot such as the topbar amongst two or more ads.

  1. If you haven't already done so, download and install the AdPlugg Plugin.
  2. Log in to the AdPlugg Ad Manager
  3. Go to Ads and then Zones and create a new ad zone named “Topbar”. Set the Max Ad Count for the Topbar zone to 1 and save the zone. Then install the zone into your site. See the Ad Zone Help Page for more information about zones.
  4. Now go to Ads and then Placements and create a new ad placement named "Topbar". Set the Content Order field to "Random" and target the ad to the Topbar zone. See the Ad Placements Help Page for more information about creating placements.
  5. Next go to Ads and then Ads and create a new ad named "Ad 1". Upload an image for the ad, target the ad to the Topbar placement (under targeting) and save the ad. See the Ad Help Page for more information about creating ads.
  6. Now create another new ad named "Ad 2". Upload an image for the ad, target the ad to the Topbar placement and save the ad.

The two ads that you created should now rotate randomly in the topbar of your site, woohoo!