Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

Ad Uploaded, Turns into Broken Image

I've uploaded an ad designed by someone who knows the exact specs for square ads on my website. However, when I uploaded this ad to AdPlugg, it won't appear and instead shows up wth the icon for a broken image. This is an updated image for the ad and the previous image worked just fine, just had a typo.

The ad is 310 pixels by 255 pixels and is in JPEG format. I'm not sure what else could be going on with it.


Update (May 4th, 2023): We've now increased the allowed filename length to 200 characters and added validation for both filename length and invalid characters.


This is probably because of the filename of the image. Filenames should be less than 50 characters in length and include only letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and periods (no spaces, no ampersands, etc).

We plan to add better validation on this and to possibly increase the allowed length in the future.

Sorry for the trouble.


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