Responsive HTML5 Ads

Responsive HTML5 Ads are a great way to include effective ads within modern, responsive layouts. These ads offer all of the flexibility of HTML5 ads and are able to responsively structure themselves to look great on any size screen.

The ad above is just a simple example of what you can do with the AdPlugg responsive HTML5 ad format.


Making HTML5 ads responsive, allows you to take full advantage of HTML5. Responsive means that the ad will scale to any size screen while maintaining crispness and legibility. Try viewing this page on a mobile device or shrinking/expanding the size of your browser window and watch as the ad restructures itself to look great regardless of your screen size.


Responsive HTML5 ads work the same as regular HTML5 ads but are designed using responsive layouts. In the example included on this page, we’ve used Twitter Bootstrap as our responsive library to make a quick and beautiful responsive HTML5 ad.

Responsive HTML5 ads are structured the same as standard websites; they include an index.html file and can include any other file that you might include on a website such as CSS, JavaScript and image files. Using modern SVG graphics and web fonts you can add a custom look that looks great on any screen.


Create clickable links and buttons or make the entire ad clickable. Track each click with AdPlugg Analytics by using industry standard “clickTags”.

Modern Responsive HTML5 Ads for Modern Responsive HTML5 Websites

Bring your ads up to the quality that you demand of your website by using Responsive HTML5 Ads and AdPlugg!