HTML5 Ads are quickly becoming the future of rich media advertising. Their open source and flexible nature, along with nearly ubiquitus device and browser support, makes them a great option for high end ads.


HTML5 Ads are basically micro websites – you can do nearly anything with an HTML5 ad that you can do with your website. Similar to most websites, the basis of an HTML5 ad is its index.html page. HTML5 ads regularly include a number of components and these components can be included in the main index.html file or in separate files. Here are some of the components that are regularly used:

  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – These give you an organized and flexible way to style your ads. The latest CSS (CSS3) allows for advanced styling including transition effects and animations.
  • JavaScript – Javascript can allow you to animate and add additional functiontionality to your ads.
  • HTML5 Canvas – The ad featured in this demo uses the HTML5 Canvas. The HTML5 Canvas is a drawing surface where you can draw and animate complex graphics.
  • SVG – SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) allows you to include high quality graphics within the ad that scale crisply for any size screen.
  • Images – In addition to SVG, you can include traditional images in your ad such as .png, .gif, and .jpg files.

Browser Support

Whereas alternative rich media formats such as Flash may not work on some (especially mobile) browsers, HTML5 ads can be made to work with any browser.


Clickable regions can be set as needed. Using industry standard “clickTags”, you can have your clicks tracked by AdPlugg Analytics.

AdPlugg HTML5 Ad Serving and Ad Management

AdPlugg brings modern ad serving and ad management to modern ad formats such as HTML5 ads. Sign up today and put AdPlugg to work for you.