Mr. Pickles the AdPlugg Pug

New AdPlugg Network Stats Dashboard

AdPlugg Network Stats

We’ve added a new AdPlugg Network Stats Dashboard! You can now view your AdPlugg Network Stats, including impressions and estimated revenue, by logging in to your AdPlugg account and going to Analytics and then AdPlugg Network Stats.

Estimated Revenue

From the new dashboard you can now view your estimated revenue. While not yet finalized, this should give you a good idea of how much you are earning by serving AdPlugg Network Ads.


In addition to Estimated Revenue, you can also toggle the displayed metric to show your Impressions. The Impressions metric shows the number of AdPlugg Network ads that you served. Checking in on this metric can help you ensure that your ads are serving and that you are seeing positive trends in the quantity of Network ads that you are serving.

Updated Daily

Stats on the new dashboard are updated daily. Whereas previously, you would have to wait until you received your earnings report via email (near the end of the month), you can now check in on how your ads are doing and see stats that are updated within the last 24 hours.

View by Day, Month or Year

Similar to how the regular AdPlugg Charts interface works, with the new AdPlugg Network Dashboard, you can toggle between Day, Month and Year mode. This allows you to see trends in your revenue and impressions for various timeframes to better chart your progress and performance on the network.

In addition to switching the interval, you can also set the date range that is shown. The default will show you the last 6 months but simply change the Start Date and End Date to see the dates that you are interested in reviewing.

Available to All AdPlugg Network Publishers

The new feature is available immediately to all AdPlugg Network publishers. You can access it from the Analytics tab.

If you are new to the AdPlugg Network or haven’t started serving AdPlugg Network ads yet, you can still view the dashboard to check it out. Once you start serving AdPlugg Network ads, check back and your impressions and estimated revenue will begin showing.

Enroll in the AdPlugg Network!

Not part of the AdPlugg Network yet? It’s free, you can turn it on and off as needed, and it is a great way to earn extra money. Enroll today and try it out!

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